Komentar AHLI

dr. Yayan Sri Biyantoro (Independent Consultan Product) Ahli bidang Imunology dan DNA Fak. Kedokteran UNAIR 1976 MOVARD USA 1986 13th UNICEF
"ion perak merupakan SOLUSI TEPAT DAN CEPAT (tanpa efek samping) untuk mengatasi n mencegah HIV/AIDS, Kanker, hepatitis dan semua penyakit INFEKSI yang disebabkan oleh VIRUS, BAKTERI, JAMUR dan PARASIT"

Dr. Robert O. Beker, MD :
“Baru-baru ini studi di pusat ilmu kesehatan UCLA school of medicine mengkonfirmasikan bahwa Ion perak membunuh bakteri berbahaya, virus, jamur hanya beberapa menit setelah kontak”.

Journal of longevity—vol. 4/ no. 10
“Ketika Ion perak telah hadir didalam tubuh, maka sel-sel kanker akan dikembalikan menjadi normal”.


Wednesday 3 August 2011


a dog, a cat and a rat 
  ( and humans go on fighting and killing each other )

For your enjoyment: 
This is a video of a homeless man in Santa Barbara and his pets. 
They work State Street every week for donations.  
The animals are pretty well fed and are mellow. 

They are a family. 
The man who owns them rigged a harness up for his cat so she wouldn't have to walk so much (like the dog and himself).   
At some juncture the rat came along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding with the cat and, often, on the cat!  
The dog, will stand all day and let you talk to him and admire him for a few chin scratches. 
The Mayor of Santa Barbara filmed this clip and sent it out as a holiday card.



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